Archive for the ‘my family’ Category

love day

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

as i get older, i feel like i’m becoming more flexible, but sometimes the reality is quite the opposite. thankfully last night, as our plan was turned on its head and the evening had the potential to leave me wallowing, i just said “no.  let’s pump up this blood sugar of mine and go where the wind takes us”.

and that we did.  from a stop for coffee and chocolate to a walk along the river in fort langley and a stone cold steve austin spotting. there was a trip to the toy store to buy jojo’s best friend a birthday gift (we were strictly instructed as to what she would want.  yes, i said she) and left the sea of pink baffled by the mini skirt wearing “i wanna be a doctor” barbie.  once my blood sugar started to dip again, we headed to the most romantic international dining destination.  a place that also conveniently sells cork trivets, which we bought to replace the ones at my mom’s that now bear the distinct teeth marks of our youngest. we considered a movie but when we discovered our only option would be a horror starring harry potter, we went for the win and washed down old people pills with a peanut butter chocolate shake while looking into our future which was sitting two booths away.

done and done.  throw whatever you like at me world, cause i’m flexible!! until tomorrow…

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aunties have the best job

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

i have a new baby in my life.

she came into the world with a little pomp and circumstance (as all babies should) weighing a whopping 6 pounds, 11 ounces.  she fits perfectly into the crook of her mom’s arm and with three big brothers is never without attention for long.

they graciously let us come and stay for a few days (can you say 7 kids under the age of 7) and while i spent a lot of my time trying to maintain some sense of order and prevent the littles from destroying each other, i also got in plenty of cuddle time and was able to take a few pictures.  my sister has lots of amazing photographer friends (and is a gifted one herself) and i knew she would have tons of people taking pictures of this sweet girl. so while i was doing my best not to be the annoying “camera around the neck/take a picture of every twitch” auntie, when melissa mentioned she might make her bed and swaddle little miss up so i could get a few snaps before i left, i put my game face on.

and finally, (almost) completely by chance (so maybe there was a little prodding) as i was literally walking out the door and waving good-bye, i turned to see this:

love you all.

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Posted in baby pictures, families, my family 11 Comments »

merry christmas

Sunday, December 25th, 2011

things have been pretty sad in the christmas craft department at the prang house this year.  aside for the 10 projects jojo and i completed in an hour in his kindergarten class (10 projects in an hour?  really?  doesn’t that seem a bit excessive?), there hasn’t been much more to show for over here.  i’ve attempted some christmas baking, though with the kids being sick i haven’t really wanted them to help and josiah has sworn off of sugar so that he can get himself healthy (totally his idea).

so here we were on christmas eve.  and i’m crafting.  allie lasted for about 5 minutes.  and she only stayed that long because there were guns involved.

all i had were a few dollar store wooden figures, some strips of fabric recycled from last year’s present and a glue gun.

i got this amazing crate from twig home at fieldstone market in spring and had been trying to figure out how to use it.  here’s our christmas attempt:

and here’s us.  maybe one day we’ll have hair.  or faces.  we’ll see what spring brings.  but for now, we’ll just be the plaid prangs.

merry christmas!!

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our house: personal

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

i was looking around our house today and realized it’s not near as christma-fied as i would like it to be for december 21st, but such is life as a working mom.  which is kind of weird to say, because i’ve always considered myself a stay at home mom until i recognized this fall that i was putting in 30-40 hours a week between shooting, editing, correspondence, blogging, etc, etc.  when i finally realized i wasn’t wonder woman (hard to believe, i know), i did the best thing i felt i could do for our family while still maintaining that workload: ask for help.  i ended up hiring an amazing woman to come and care for our kids one day a week so that i could actually sit down and have a concentrated amount of time to get things done.  what a relief!  it actually made me a better mom because i was able to give my kids more undivided attention during the week and they got a break from me every once in awhile (with a super fun babysitter who they all love).  win. win.  if there are other moms out there struggling with this kind of balance, i would highly recommend finding help – sanity is so worth the financial investment!

one little project i was proud to be a part of that i didn’t end up blogging about was a shoot for debbie at 4cats arts studio in abbotsford.  my shots were featured in their winter magazine, along with a little ad to boot:

a favorite thing about this time of year is getting to see my work in print!  i’ve gotten a few christmas cards from my clients and have had the privilege of printing up some books and canvases this year as well.  it’s my goal to get pictures off those discs and into people’s hands and onto their walls, which is why i include prints with my sessions now.

another perk of taking some time off around christmas is working on a couple of projects in the continuing saga of getting “settled” into the house we moved into in summer.  we were trying to figure out how to showcase the MANY arts and crafts that make their way home from kindergarten and preschool.  we decided we would do our best to display them all for a month and then clear off the clipboard and shelf and start anew when the 30 days pass.

i also started to work on beautifying our bedroom.  i’m struggling with what to do on the other side of the mirror…ideas please?

so this blog was all over the place…which gives you a little look inside my crazed mind.  stay tuned for another 2011 wrap up installment!

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Sunday, November 13th, 2011

this october, we had a lot of firsts.  josiah went on his first horse ride.  he also fought in his first epic sumo battle (do you see the size of the other kid?).

we also decided that that this year, the kids should dress up as real people.  so allie was a police officer and josiah was…spiderman?  he came home from school the week before halloween and said “so and so is dressing up as a teenage mutant ninja turtle.  but spiderman is better.” “why is that?” i ask.  “because spiderman is real”.  and since i didn’t say anything in the moment, i feel kind of weird bringing it up now.  i mean, the kid doesn’t believe in santa, so he’s gotta have something….right?

and since simon was the odd one out as an animal, we decided he could be an animal with a little latin flair.

what do you think his luchador name should be?

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my week

Friday, October 28th, 2011

so i haven’t had a shoot booked in nearly a week.  which, in my world these days, is a long time.  so what’s a girl to do with five whole days without “work”?

well, i worked. a lot.  edited. mailed discs (more to come on that soon…made some fun new packaging for my weddings). caught up on e-mails.  followed up on 2012 potential weddings. attempted to organize my office (failed, but it’s the thought that counts, right?)

i also…

made grape juice from the bounty growing in our backyard.  16 quarts to start and more to come shortly.

got a hair cut (photo cred: josiah).  my stylist is amazing.  when i woke up this morning i sang into the mirror about how much i loved my hair (not the face so much, but the hair).

i took (a few) pictures of my own kids for once!!  what a novel idea.

i put up a few more things on the wall.  LOVE these prints my sister gave me.  just threw them in some vintage frames and put them on either side of that wicked candle holder i got from twig home at the fieldstone vintage market.

and i’ve been reading.  but i don’t like the book…i just can’t bear to toss it without finishing it first as it will seem like i’ve wasted too much time.  and truth is, i’m hoping it might still redeem itself.  any good book recommendations for the next time i have five days (which will be in february when i take the month off)?

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12 years.

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

so this is what 12 years looks like:

photo cred: chad doerksen

i never really pictured the 12 year anniversary.  it’s not one of the numbers that stands out as significant or is addressed in pre-marital counseling.  there’s no “itch” attached to it and no huge milestone celebration.  but something about 12 was different for me. i sat in church sunday morning and was suddenly overwhelmed with gratefulness for 12. you see, cliff and i didn’t think we would make it past 1. we didn’t get that glorious first year that some newlyweds rave about. or second year. or third…you get the point.  so being here at 12 is a big deal.

marriage is hard. it’s an everyday choice to…fill in the blank. care. love. listen. stop. serve. forgive.

being in the thick of wedding season has given me even more opportunity to think about what that commitment these couples are making actually means. and if i could say anything to each of them it would be that it is worth it. whether the storm comes tomorrow or 10 years from now, your marriage is worth fighting for.  it’s worth those times when you say you’re sorry even if you’re not at fault. it’s worth picking up the socks and throwing them in the laundry for the tenth time this week instead of harping on him to do it. it’s worth listening to the same story she’s told you about that great aunt you’ve never met and never will meet for the third time without rolling your eyes. and it’s worth fighting for through the big stuff too. through lies and deep hurts and life change. i pray for every one of these couples as i drive to their wedding…that they would know that love and commitment is about so much more than this one day. and that as they walk through the tough stuff, there is such great reward waiting for them.

what kind of reward, you may ask?  well, here’s what does 12 looks like for us:  i worked on friday while cliff watched the kids and got home at midnight after a late reception.  cliff let me sleep in until 8 on saturday morning while he fed the kids breakfast, i ironed our clothes and we headed out to a wedding for the afternoon and evening (that’s what “dates” look like at this stage of life). on sunday as a special treat to ourselves, we let the kids watch a movie before church so we could have an hour of peace. went to church, had cheeseburgers in the park, played in the backyard all afternoon, had farmer sausage for supper and watched an episode from the first season of wonder woman after the kids went to bed.  glamorous?  not even close. but how incredible is it that i get to live this un-glamorous life beside the man who has seen it all.  all my crap, all my mood swings, all of the worst. the fact that he chooses everyday to be with me…to serve/give/listen/etc speaks love to me louder than words ever could.  and we have three beautiful children who drive us absolutely crazy while filling our lives with so much joy. i am so so so blessed.

on your next anniversary, would you take a minute to savor it and then drop me a line and tell me about it?  i’d love that.  here’s to celebrating every year like it’s 12 🙂

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Sunday, July 31st, 2011

for those of you who check in here regularly (i do not presume to think there are many, other than my mom…and amber who comments on nearly every post and oh how i love her for it :), you may or may not have noticed that it’s been a little quiet the past couple of weeks.  this does not mean i haven’t been working…quite the opposite.  i’ve been working hard to balance my professional and personal life and haven’t always been that successful (ask the people whose calls i’ve taken several days to return “sorry!”.  oh and you could ask my children too).

the thing is, in the midst of my busiest photography season ever, we decided to move.  this was not a decision that came easily and the process of it once it was made was even harder.  because it wasn’t just a matter of moving from one house into another.  for the past two years, our family has lived in community.  “ don’t we all live in a community” some might say.  yeah, but we don’t all live in a commune,  and as weird as it is to say, that’s kind of what we’ve been a part of.  a group of people who came together with a common mission, living together, sharing our stuff and our lives.  and it was wonderful.  friends became family. we began to challenge each other to live more simply and to honor others and God with the choices we made.  we saw people move in and move out, watched babies grow and big boys go to their first day of school.  we saw people quit jobs and start new ones, saw (so many) dishes broken, had shelves collapse and saw gardens grow.  we got frustrated.  with one another and with ourselves. we laughed and cried and were moody and made fun of one another and played silly games and cooked for each other and avoided each other and cleaned up each other’s messes (sometimes willingly.  sometimes not.).  we saw a wedding (we were all there) and a baby born (we were not all there).  we called ourselves a cult as a joke because we knew people were wondering and hoped that saying it first would diffuse their fears (we think cliff’s mom might still think it’s a cult.  but i’m okay with that).  there was almost always someone around to talk to, to watch a movie or go for a run with.  there was grace in difficult moments and celebration in milestones.  and love.  lots of love.  not always the warm fuzzy kind, but the true kind that perseveres and hopes and doesn’t fail.

so you can see why it was hard to leave.

but here we are, a growing family.  we were just feeling like it was time.  not to pursue a new path but to embrace the place we are in life and run with it.  and just as we were talking through that, an opportunity presented itself: the house my grandpa built.  the perfect amount of space for us inside and an abundance of space out.  and four doors down from my parents (so close i think i can hear my mom dreaming up the next way she’s going to spoil my children:).  and in a sweet little town not far from work and friends and community.

it feels pretty special.

i don’t really have many memories of my grandma and the ones i do were of her when she was sick.  but as i hung my first load of laundry on her line today, i could vividly picture her doing the same.  my grandpa i knew better and all sorts of things about him flooded back as i walked down the driveway and checked out the grapes growing on the vines in the back and heard my dad talk about the number of nails grandpa had used in the kitchen cabinets.

we don’t know how long we will be here, but we’re going to love every minute of it.  and our kids…oh our kids.  so excited.

and we love visitors!  please come by.  we’ve already had a few lovely and unexpected drop-ins.

future engagement shoot location??

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i think i might be a bad mother.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

reason #1:

i let them dress themselves.

reason #2

morning snack consisted of "chomper sticks" (a way cooler name than licorice, if you ask me)

reason #3:

even though it was only warm for about 10 minutes this afternoon, i got out the pool. it just felt like time.

reason #4:

apparently i'm raising yet another butt-crack bandit.

reason #5:

i'm pretty sure those are simon's teeth chattering.

reason #6:

i'm pretty sure this is simon asking to get out of the pool, which i eventually allowed only because it was starting to rain and i didn't want to get wet myself.

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Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

my parents cultivated a love of books into us at a young age.  from “pokey little puppy” to “grandma’s attic” to “babysitter’s club” and gordon korman, to “nancy drew” and “little women”, to madeleine l’engle and “the hobbit”.  we did a lot of driving and growing up in the pre-dvd player/cell phone/personal game system age, there wasn’t much else to do but read.  and fight with my sisters.  and be annoyed with my dad for renting an audio tape of a guy talking us through the landmarks of north and south dakota from the state info centre.  and read some more.

when did reading become such a luxury?  oh right.  that time i had 3 kids.  and a job.  and a teensy tiny little bit of a life.  and a great need for sleep.  and a desire to watch things like survivor and the office.  the other day, my youngest was sleeping and my husband took my two oldest to the park so that i could get some work done.  and though my “to-do” list was long and time was short, i took a shower and decided to sit down and read for 20 minutes.  and it sure did my heart good.  it wasn’t even what i was reading (though it was good and i highly recommend it)…it was just the act of reading that was so delightful.   this summer i am determined to take reading from a luxury to a regular practice.

my kids love to read.  i am SO grateful for that.  some of my favorite pictures are of them absorbed in a book.

(allie being the cranky bear)

i have a dear friend who has reminded me of the benefits of our kids reading…and reading good books.  i’m hoping to create a budget to make sure i can buy my kids some quality books…i’m thinking of having one of these parties.  want to come?

so i’m going to read this summer.  don’t know what, but hopefully it’s going to be good.  you should join me.  what are you reading (or if it’s more realistic, what do you dream of reading) these days?

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