Posts Tagged ‘portland oregon’

aunties have the best job

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

i have a new baby in my life.

she came into the world with a little pomp and circumstance (as all babies should) weighing a whopping 6 pounds, 11 ounces.  she fits perfectly into the crook of her mom’s arm and with three big brothers is never without attention for long.

they graciously let us come and stay for a few days (can you say 7 kids under the age of 7) and while i spent a lot of my time trying to maintain some sense of order and prevent the littles from destroying each other, i also got in plenty of cuddle time and was able to take a few pictures.  my sister has lots of amazing photographer friends (and is a gifted one herself) and i knew she would have tons of people taking pictures of this sweet girl. so while i was doing my best not to be the annoying “camera around the neck/take a picture of every twitch” auntie, when melissa mentioned she might make her bed and swaddle little miss up so i could get a few snaps before i left, i put my game face on.

and finally, (almost) completely by chance (so maybe there was a little prodding) as i was literally walking out the door and waving good-bye, i turned to see this:

love you all.

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