Archive for the ‘my family’ Category

childhood unplugged: may

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

about three weeks ago, i posted this picture on instagram:Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetmy four year old had just learned how to ride a two wheeler and we wanted to go for a family bike ride, but…i didn’t have a bike.  in stepped a gracious friend to lend me the bike she’s not using at the moment.  while i was super excited about this new acquisition, i was also a little nervous after not having ridden a bike in a couple of years.  i asked my kids for some tips and my (now) 8 year old said: “believe in yourself”.  once i recovered from hearing that (tears), this little dude says, “i’m so proud of you for riding a bike mom”.  more tears.childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_389i will be honest and say that this particular morning, i was tempted to go on autopilot, stick on a movie for simon and hunker down at my desk to get some work done.  but after 4 games of uno and two books, i knew that wasn’t going to happen.  solution?  put together a couple of packages for clients and bike down to the post office together.  two birds, one stone.childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_390 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_392 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_393 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_394extra bonus, our sweet little town has a skate park and playground, so we had a snack, biked around and played a little hide and go seek to top it all off.childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_395 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_396 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_398childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_397childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_399 childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_401childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_400he’s a good hider.  go check out all the other beautiful posts by the childhood unplugged babes here!

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childhood unplugged: april

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

spring break: bringing shrieks of joy…or pain across the nation.  i love my kids.  i really really do.  and i like the idea of spring break.  the reality of spring break, though, can be less than ideal, especially with young kids.  the ideal: let them stay up late for popcorn and a movie as a treat so that they will sleep in the next morning.  the reality: they stay up late and whine when they have to go to bed, even when it’s an hour past their regular bedtime.  the next morning they are up even earlier than usual, are grumpy, fight with each other nonstop and shoot you death glares when you suggest an afternoon “quiet time”.

so even though we didn’t have big plans to go away this year, we threw together a last minute one night “staycation”.  i googled hotels within a 2 hour drive that had a waterslide.  squamish, here.we.come.

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a couple of polaroids from our little advenutre:squamish2squamish

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childhood unplugged: march

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

we so rarely get snow around here that on the rare occasion we do, it means an intense amount of playing.  especially since it only lasts for a day or two before melting away.  this winter was no exception and two out of three of my kids were a little more than obsessed with the white stuff.childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_304childhood unplugged | sharalee prang photography_305

snowball making/stashing as well as picking a discreet base is key…this guy has really honed his skills (and his aim) and gives me a run for my money every time.

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and the big dude is the biggest kid of them all.  growing up out east, he misses the snow and takes every opportunity to get right in it and haul anyone within reach down with him.  many memories of snowy walks in the prairies when we were dating, looking at stars, holding hands…until i was face first in a snow drift.  so romantic.

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to see more posts from the ladies of childhood unplugged, go here.  and check us out on instagram too!

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Posted in childhood unplugged, my family 1 Comment »

childhood unplugged: february

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

family painting | sharalee prang photography_256“Remember growing up? Playing outdoors while using our creativity and imagination was the norm. I don’t really ever remember saying, “I’m bored” very often!  Our children have every source of technology available to them, and although technology is great and we cannot be without it in today’s world, it has really stolen so much of our children’s ability to be creative, to play without being entertained, and the use of their imagination. Children have lost the ART OF PLAY.”   These are the words of Monica Calderin, the woman behind not only the blog, but the “movement” of Childhood Unplugged.  She joined together with 10 other photographers  and committed to unplugging alongside the kids to remind them (and ourselves ultimately) what pure unadulterated play could look like.

Now check this out: they’ve asked me to join them.  What an absolute honor and a privilege to be a part of a community of women who are raising their children to be…kids.  Not that we don’t want them to grow and mature (even though we kinda don’t sometimes), but I love the idea of just letting our kids be kids, nurturing their imaginations without the constant influence of computers and phones and movies and and and…

One of the things about all of us unplugging and REALLY engaging is that sometimes I’m tempted to control their play.  We had the chance to go to 4Cats Arts Studio to participate in a paint splatter class, the very nature of which is to: splatter.paint.  And yet both Cliff and I still wanted to control where the splats landed and how the squirts dripped.  We’re talking in hair, on clothes and on my camera (ahem).  It wasn’t until we stepped back and let them be that we could truly enjoy and appreciate the beauty they had created.  Childhood.  Unplugged.

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Check out the Childhood Unplugged blog!  At the beginning of every month, each contributor submits a post.  They also have an inspiring Instagram feed and you can follow them (us) through Facebook too.  They’re going to start accepting outside submissions, so please contribute pictures of your family unplugging!!

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2013. the year i did stuff.

Monday, January 27th, 2014

so here we are, end of january and i still haven’t done a wrap up of 2013.  i was struggling with how to approach this in a fresh way and i thought since the majority of you who follow my blog have already seen my best pictures, i would add a personal spin and show you some of my favorite pictures taken on my phone.  i think the images i captured on my phone this year more fully encapsulate who i am and what my day to day life is like, so it will help you to get to know me a bit better.

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the thing about the year coming to an end is that so much evaluation happens.  i have a love/hate relationship with evaluation.  on one hand, it can serve as encouragement and affirmation while on the other hand, it can be darn near the most depressing activity possible.

this time last year i was preparing to attend the what if conference in dominican republic which turned out to be a life changing experience (tickets for 2014 available here).  and as i sit here preparing to attend this year’s conference, i’m suddenly filled with fear: i’m going to see many of the same people, people who have started non-profit organizations and traveled the world and written books…and what have i done in a year?

fear.  it can be so.freaking.crippling.  the voice that says, “pack it up, girl.  if you haven’t started yet, you never will.   compared to everyone else, you really don’t have much to offer.”  and while the temptation is there to agree, i can’t.  don’t get me wrong, many days i have succumbed, listened and obeyed it.  and those were some dark days.

so i’m here to tell you what i’ve done.  not as a point of pride, but just to document it, to speak it out, for myself more than anything.  to say “screw you, fear.  i’m going to go about my business trying to make this world a better place.”

p.s. “doing” is not the be all end all.  ultimately i just want to “be” better and not worry so much about what i do.  but “being” is a little harder to measure, so here’s a glimpse at some of the things i “did” which are all hopefully feeding into who i want to “be”. enough “quotation marks” for y’all?

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this year i hung out with my kids.  sometimes i just watched; watched them play, laugh, poop (sorry but i did), be ridiculous, cry, love, fight, think…i watched.  because i know this time won’t last forever, blah blah blah, and i want to remember it with even more than pictures, but with actually memories.  in my brain.

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i also got to take pictures of some other people who were watching their own families grow.

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and i watched my husband daily, i mean daily people, becoming a better and better father to these little monkeys of ours.

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i traveled!  so many good memories of trips taken, on my own and with my family, of sights seen and friends made.

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i picked up the ukelele again after about a million years, i planted (kind of) a garden, i baked lots of sugary treats (some of which i shared and some….), i learned how to crochet and i worked at making our house a safe place where we can learn together and make mistakes together and do things that we love and encourage anyone who comes through our door to do the same.

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we hosted friends from australia and i almost peed my pants going across the longest unsupported something or other gondola in the history of the universe (pretty sure that’s what it says on their website)…but i did it!

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i ate some spinach.

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we welcomed some amazing people into our lives who love our kids and obviously love us as they were willing to invest time and energy into our offspring when work took us away from them.

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i got to venture a little outside my own territory to document peoples’ love and commitment to each other and had a darn fun time doing it.

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i shot a ton of instant film, all different kinds.  a goal i didn’t even know i had, but once i was doing it, i was like “yes”.

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we lived a dream of mine, traveling to the “birth place” of one of my favorite bands and watched them perform on their own farm.  and we met a man that owned a motorcycle shop who knew everything about cameras, so that was awesome.

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we spent so much time in our yard.  so much.  and it was wonderful.

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there were also some pretty sad things that happened this year to people i love.  loss is hard.  and while the temptation is there to bottle it up or feel like it’s too much, i was forced to open my hands and release it to God and trust that he will sustain.  and he did.  and does.  he really does.

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i got to experience the joy of welcoming new life into the world (without the pain of having to “welcome” it myself, which was a bonus).

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we took a couple of little trips as a family and it was so fun to see all of our kids at a stage where they could experience and enjoy these places in new ways.

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i tried to get out from behind the camera a bit more, even if it meant the outcome was awkward pictures like this:

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we celebrated 14 years.  14 YEARS!!!

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i was terrified at the speed with which my children’s bodies/attitudes grew.

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i stopped to smell the roses (or fresh laundry, whatever the case may be).  for reals.  sometimes you just gotta to stay sane.

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i grew some really fat/slightly deformed carrots.  any tips on growing normal looking carrots are welcome.

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i had SO many cool couples choose me to document their weddings…absolutely blown away by people’s willingness to include me in their celebration.  they fact that they entrust a day like that to me…i’m almost in tears just thinking about it.

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we took our kids on a plane across the country.  hold your applause please.

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we celebrated.  that youngest one of ours

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i got to see my kids perform on stage, some more willingly than others, which is always a joy.  i’m plan to live vicariously through them when they make it to broadway.  you think i’m kidding.

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i went to new york city for new years eve.  dream come true.

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and like i said before, i tried to get a few pictures of myself.  when i die, i don’t really want my kids to wonder who that strange lady behind the big black box all the time was…i think it will be good for them to know i had a face and a name and something of a personality independent of who i was as their mom.  because sometimes when i look at some of the things i pursue because i want to, it’s tempting to feel really selfish.  but then i think, “how am i serving them if i don’t go after any of the things i feel called to/have always wanted to do?”  not all of those things need to wait until they are teenagers or out of the house.  it could be something as small as  investing in a friend or spending time “creating” or sitting down at the piano or something as big as taking our family to india for a month…i want to be someone who had dreams and went out and lived them.

so. 2013.  a good year.  not without it’s failures and disappointments, but a good year.  thanks for living it with me.

p.s. more of my day to day life can be viewed over here on instagram, if you’re interested (if you are interested, that’s kind of creepy).  i just passed 1000 followers and am going to post a little contest this week to say thank you!!

Posted in families, just for fun, lifestyle, my family, portraits, weddings 17 Comments »

2012: a year in pictures

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

i was so conflicted about how to encapsulate an entire year of pictures into one blog post.  all business?  all personal?  some of both?  none of either?  and i don’t like picking “favourites” because the reality is that there are beautiful moments in every.single.session and to decide one is “better” than another…just doesn’t sit right with me.  so what you’re going to get is a little bit of everything.  a whole bunch of moments bundled up into 4 minutes of your day you will (hopefully) be happy to have witnessed.

2012 was full of “feeling”.  i grieved this year.  a lot.  i cried alone and with others and alone again.  i was conflicted in my spirit over why this life is the way it is and wondered how beautifully good people could suffer so much.

at the same time, i rejoiced.  like there was no tomorrow.  i got to witness the very first breaths of a sweet new life and be present as another was released back into the hands of her creator.  i got to see a million first steps as married couples bounced down the aisle and see the tears of joy as their parents freed them to start their own families.  i saw my own kids eager to start school and comforted them when they returned to me with scrapes and bruises of all kinds. i got to cuddle warm little bundles and wiggly toddlers and watch as moms and dads reluctantly let go of their child’s hands so they could take a few wobbly independent steps.  maybe not all of that sounds like rejoicing to you, but to me it represents joy of every kind…what moulds us and shapes us and challenges us and gives us hope for the future.  in a word: life.  what a year.

(the song is paper house by lisa hannigan)

if you watch this and are stirred; if you see these people and wish it was you in those pictures; if you trust me to walk alongside you and the ones you love while you dance and play and enjoy each others company, then you are my client.  you are the one i want to serve.  call me.  email me.  just don’t be a stranger.  i can’t wait to meet you.

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Posted in baby pictures, engagement pictures, families, my family, weddings 19 Comments »


Monday, December 24th, 2012

i’ve struggled all day with what to write here.  truth be told, i haven’t been up for writing much lately (hence the sparse presence on the blog).  and spending the morning in the dentist chair hasn’t helped inspire any creativity (seriously – who goes to the dentist on christmas eve?).

christmas is weird.  don’t get me wrong, i love it.  like, LOVE IT.  but it comes with a lot of mixed emotions, mixed motives, mixed nuts (haha)…and while i enjoy going to parties and love giving and receiving gifts and decorating and all of the other sweet things that come along with this season, christmas also holds much deeper meaning for me.

now i know this blog is about my business.  but the reality is that it’s also about me because my “business” is me and when you hire “sharalee prang photography”, you get me.  you get the dorkiness and the strange sense of style, but you also get (i trust) the hope, the joy and the love that are inside of me because they’ve been given to me to share.  i rejoice with you as you take those first steps down the aisle as a married couple…i see and experience the hope in your eyes as you dream of all the things your sweet child will one day become…and i love you.  not to creep you out or anything, but i do!  that’s the reason i’m able to do what i do.  and that is why/how i celebrate christmas.  i know that sacrifices were made in order for me to fully live and to love others.  which is also why i can grieve with those of you who are experiencing pain and brokenness and unmet expectations.  it’s an miraculous thing, love is.  so good and so hard.

so as i sit here in my little home thinking of you and your families settling in for the evening and the sound of my crazy children laughing trickles up from downstairs, i can’t help but say, “thank you jesus.  for your sacrifice and for your love.  and sorry too.  that i get caught up in the frenzy and i forget.  thanks for meeting me in the midst of it and gently reminding me why i’m here.  to love like you did.”

a little insight as to where i’m at today.

and since i’d rather not suck every last drop of christmas spirit and leave you completely depressed on christmas eve, i will leave you with this.  this is the sixth instalment in a pretty impressive collection of horrid santa photos(and no, it wasn’t simon’s birthday).    merry christmas with love…


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j&m: family

Monday, October 8th, 2012

i got to know these sweet children when little miss m turned one last winter and it was so fun to catch up with them now and see how much they’ve both grown.  and even though big bro would try to act tough at times, he has certainly reserved a soft spot in his heart for his little sister.

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our family getaway

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

a family vacation looked like a near impossibility this year.  that is, until a delightful turn of events lead us to the last place we expected to be in may: hawaii.  and there we were.  for two. whole. weeks.  absolutely brilliant.

i was determined to ACTUALLY take time off.  which is difficult as the nature of my work lends itself to being done anywhere and everywhere.  but aside from a little correspondence and some midnight brainstorming sessions, i think i did pretty well.  i brought my old camera and one lens, but don’t think for one second that i didn’t feel like offering every family i saw on the beach a photo session.  i have become aware of the fact that i am officially addicted to taking other people’s pictures.  i was watching moments unfold all over the place and all i wanted to do was document them.  but then i reminded myself why i was there and who i was there with and set about living life with my family.  and taking pictures of them for once!

this little dude is becoming increasingly elusive when the camera comes out.  we had some chats about why i like taking pictures so much and how it was okay if he made funny faces sometimes and reminded him that though he may not like having his picture taken, he sure likes looking at himself in pictures after they are over.  so he started to humor me every once in awhile.

this girl blows me away.  she’s the best out of the three at ignoring me when i have the camera, which is just fine with me.  closer to the end of the trip she started to pose and it was freaking me out a little bit.  her “princess pose” has her sweeping her hair across her forehead with her shoulders scrunched up and her head tilted to one side.  um, yeah.  this could be problematic.

some of my favorite shots from the trip are of this one.  i am falling more and more in love with him every day.  and have probably gained more and more grey hairs in the same number of days.  you think you know what you’re doing after two kids.  and then the third comes along and is like “oh yeah?  in your dreams, lady.  in your dreams.”  but his face…would you look at that face?

and then there’s this one.  nearly every picture i took of him has the water in the background.  this man loves the water.  so my goal this year is to get him to it more often.  because if he’s happy, i’m happy.

what an amazing trip.  if you’re heading to maui and want to hear about our favorite places to visit, drop me a line!  they include the town of paia and the most amazing pizza you may ever ingest, leoda’s (best apple crumble pie), the maui swap meet on saturdays (so much good produce and a great place to get a feel for the kinds of treats you can take home with you)…the list goes on.

and if you’re heading to maui and want to bring me along to take pictures like this of your family, call me!

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Posted in my family 3 Comments »

oh, the dutch: a story

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

once upon a time there were two dutch boys.  they both met non-dutch girls in college and married them on august 7, 1999 on opposite ends of canada. 12 and a half years later they, with the support of the motherland, decided to celebrate their “halfway to 25 anniversary” together (it’s the real deal.  just ask yahoo).

having never been to a 12 and a half year anniversary and having no idea how to actually celebrate one, they did what any good dutchman would do: hired a square dance caller.  his name was jerry and in his own words, all he needed was an outlet.  he came with his own sound system and a 100 foot extension cord.  and a license plate cover that said “i’d rather be square dancing”. and a cute little wife who he called on to demonstrate anytime the guests couldn’t quite understand the steps (which was about every two minutes).

and there was food and drink (too much, in fact), family and friends (the best kind) and a little hall in the middle of the woods (complete with a windy road, light fog and possibly a sasquatch or two).

and so the dutch boys and their non-dutch wives danced the night away, feeling kind of like the years had passed in a blink, forgetting for a moment that their were sleeping children and weary babysitters awaiting their return home (and forgetting they would be waking up with those sleeping children at the crack of dawn the next morning).

thank you to all our friends who braved the trek into the wilderness and sorry to those who got lost along the way.  what a fun night!

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