Archive for the ‘beauty’ Category


Friday, February 15th, 2013


meet melanie.

we just met last week, but i already love her.  who wouldn’t?  she approaches the world with a child like sense of wonder, so ready to learn, to experience and to enjoy.  she’s an encourager, an optimist, a dreamer.  the kind of person who is oozing with potential and beauty and laughter.  the best kind.

hoping that you go home with a renewed sense of hope for the future, knowing that you are an amazing woman who is capable of SO much.  thanks for putting up with me and my 6:30am camera happy self!  you’re beautiful.

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steph: next steps

Monday, June 11th, 2012

steph is gorgeous.  not gonna lie, when her parents contacted me about taking her grad photos , i was delighted.  but even beyond that, i’ve been recognizing more and more that i really want to pursue the things that i’m passionate about.  and one of those things is walking alongside young women. i know that it’s an awkward time in life when (at the risk of quoting britney spears) you’re considered an adult, but are still trying to identify where you fit and who you are.  i think women are incredible and complex creatures who deserve to walk forward in confidence and recognize the beauty that lies both inside of them and out.

congratulations on your grad, steph!  i’m excited to see where this life leads you.

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