Posts Tagged ‘gardner park’

the dewoldes: family

Monday, October 17th, 2011

i had so much fun with this family.  hilda was wise to suggest a location where her kids could do lots of exploring as they are definitely most comfortable in the great outdoors.  there were only a few falls in the creek…what’s the fun in exploring if you don’t have soggy feet?

one of the things i love to do during family sessions is steal away the mom and dad for a few on their own.  despite the chaos that is likely ensuing around us, it’s so worth it!  especially for the husband…any opportunity to snuggle with his wife in public and have her sole attention for even a moment has him signing up to have family pictures taken again in a flash (take note, ladies).  this was no exception and was actually a priority as they haven’t had any pictures done together since their wedding and their wedding pictures didn’t even turn out because the photographer’s camera wasn’t working.

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jon & brittani: expecting

Friday, September 16th, 2011

it’s funny that they call it “expecting”.  because the reality is, sometimes a baby is the last thing we’re expecting.  sometimes life doesn’t seem to be living up to any of our expectations.  yet in the midst of life, there’s LIFE.  that God lets us help create.  how good is that?  and then who cares what you were expecting!

“we’re not photogenic”.  my favorite thing to hear at the start of a session.  mostly just because 99.9% of the time it’s so not true!  and i take it as a challenge to prove them wrong.  mission accomplished?  i think so.

i love and respect these two so much.  it’s incredible to see how much they already adore this child and each other and i know they are going to be amazing parents. a.mazing.  hear that?

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