Posts Tagged ‘mariachi band’

madisen & jeff: married

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

madisen and jeff.  i think they’d be okay with me just saying it: things happened pretty fast for them.   it seemed like i had just found out they were dating when i heard they were engaged.  i’m sure they’ve had their fair share of sideways looks when people heard their entire relationship can be dated back to less than a year ago.

but here’s the thing: who cares!!!

you can’t tell me it’s too fast when you see this man’s eyes well up with tears as his bride walks down the aisle toward him (even though he just saw her 5 minutes ago!!).  or when you see the look between them as they grip each other’s hands while it’s described what those hands will mean to them in the years to come.  or when you see them give each other a hard time or laugh themselves silly while they beat the crap out of dora/diego pinatas (long story). or when you hear the affirmations from friends and family that the two of them together was so. clearly. right.  it just was.

so cheers to you, my sweet friends…this is just the beginning!

thankfully the guys were super boring and always just stood there doing exactly what i asked them to.

jeff has spent the last year apprenticing a violin maker.  as a surprise, his mentor had a professional violinist come to the reception and play the violin jeff made.  it was pretty special.

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