Posts Tagged ‘destination wedding’

fort st john winter wedding: daniel & amy

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

amy and i have known each other since she was in high school, but really got close when we lived in a house together a couple of years ago.  we had a few chats about boys and settling down and she was pretty sure she wanted to wait awhile before making that commitment.  so when the baby-faced german started coming around, i was curious to see where it would lead.  the time was approaching when daniel would have to return home, so when amy decided to head in the same direction taking on a position as an au pair it became clear this was the real deal.

they chose a short engagement and a simple wedding in a log church overlooking charlie lake.  daniel’s father was able to fly in from germany for the occasion and friends and family from all over the world watched the very personal ceremony as it was broadcast live on-line.

everyone chipped in to transform the town hall into a beautifully soft space for the reception with chiffon and hundreds of twinkle lights.

it still kind of feels like a dream – i was in town for less than 48 hours and i still can’t believe we got sun AND snow…seeing as it had been -35 the day before i arrived, we were seriously blessed with incredible weather.  couldn’t have asked for more!  thank you amy & daniel – it was so cool to be there to watch you commit your lives to one another.  love you both!

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