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remy: new life

two years ago, i tiptoed into my dear friend ashley’s hospital room to meet her brand new baby girl.  little did i know, her boys were right behind me and i got to not only witness, but capture them seeing her for the first time.

two days ago, i entered the room again, slightly more prepared, but still unaware that i would be arriving there at exactly the same time as her other three.  it was such a treat to see them inquire as to whether or not their baby brother had teeth or was wearing “legging pants”, to see them snuggle up to their beautiful (as in “are you sure you just had a baby” beautiful) mother and to dote on this sweet little boy…the one who turned their family of five into six.

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2 Comments to “remy: new life”

  1. Phyllis Atkins says:

    These are wonderful.What a joy!

  2. Love these! They are so joyous and precious! Adore the moments you caught.