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meet melanie.

we just met last week, but i already love her.  who wouldn’t?  she approaches the world with a child like sense of wonder, so ready to learn, to experience and to enjoy.  she’s an encourager, an optimist, a dreamer.  the kind of person who is oozing with potential and beauty and laughter.  the best kind.

hoping that you go home with a renewed sense of hope for the future, knowing that you are an amazing woman who is capable of SO much.  thanks for putting up with me and my 6:30am camera happy self!  you’re beautiful.

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3 Comments to “melanie”

  1. What a wonderful tribute to make to another person. Your photos and sentiments do justice to your subject.

  2. Taylor says:

    Beautiful post about a beautiful person. I was so lucky to room with you both just a week ago.